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Chia Pudding

Serves: 2 | Gluten Free | Dairy Free | Plant Based | Breakfast

Chia pudding.heic


2 tbsp of chia seeds

1 tbsp flaxseeds (ground is best)

1/2 cup almond milk (or any milk of your choice)

1 tsp maple syrup

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp cinnamon (ceylon)


1. Put the chia seeds, flaxseeds, maple syrup, vanilla  and cinnamon in a glass or jar, cover with ½ cup milk of your choice.

2. Stir well a couple of times and cover overnight in the fridge.

3. In the morning, divide chia mix between 2 glasses, layer on some coconut yoghurt, add fresh or frozen berries.


Warming the berries is nice in the winter especially if using frozen.

Health Benefits

Chia is a good source of anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids. Add flaxseeds for fibre, hormone balance and to keeps you regular!

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Naturally Better Living

Nutrition & Naturopathy Clinic

Suite 4, 143 Peats Ferry Road

Hornsby NSW 2077

0426 077 299 

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9:30am - 6:30pm

Other times may be available by arrangement 

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